I guessed Spencer Tracy — and apparently, that was was the right answer!! (My stepfather’s favorite actor.)
Rough excerpt from my current phone call with a new AT&T person:
AT&T: How to may I help you? (Not an English-speaker; not clear whether man or woman.)
Me: I need to move my mom’s phone service.
AT&T: $#$!#%%#!$^#$^! (I have no idea what he/she said.)
Me: Um … Spencer Tracy?
AT&T: Thank you.
Me: !!!
AT&T: How is day for you so far?
Me: Well, kind of stressful. My mom’s moving.
AT&T: Thank you. How is weather in United Kingdom?
Me [assuming/hoping I mis-heard “United Kingdom”]: Kind of warm here in Chicago. Eighties.
AT&T: So weather is beautiful.
Me: Well, I find it hot.
AT&T: Mm hmm.
[Long pause.]
AT&T: Thank you very much for patience.
[Phone line goes dead.]
I am now going to call AT&T back.